Metrics and Analysis for Program, Entries and Variables
Change Impact Analysis
Cyclomatic Complexity, Code reusability, Duplicated and Dead code
Dynamic Execution of Programs
Detection of Comments, Screens, Mantis-specific Instructions
Reports and Customized Rules
Trends of Metrics and Evolution
PDF and CSV Reports
Code Metrics for Programs, Entries, and Variables
Metrics for Incoming and Outgoing Links
Number of screens
Cyclomatic Complexity, Duplicated and Dead code
Code Analyzer
Highlights important concepts in the code: WAIT, SHOW, duplicated code and comments.
Annotated list of Mantis entities with filtering of information (e.g. All entities with duplicated code)
Cyclomatic complexity, number of links to outside entities, number of lines of code
Call graphs
Duplication Detection
Dedicated visualization that shows the entities and the location of the duplicate code in each entity
Duplication detection can be launched with the new parameters or on a subset of entities.
The tool also permits annotating duplicated fragments and creation of reports to further analyze duplication with the other developers.
Tree Browser
Facilitates the understanding of the dependencies amongst Mantis entities. The tool is conceived to show transitive dependencies (direct and indirect dependencies to other entities) from a menu. Such analysis is helpful to understand the impact of changes or, for a migration project, to determine which part of the system can me migrated without impact.
Both outgoing and incoming dependencies of entities can be analyzed with the tool.
Identification of cyclic dependencies.
Rule Checker
Enforcement of company practices: comments, complexity, duplication, ...
Dedicated rules for Mantis code base such as the detection of "WAIT" and "Commit off"
Detection of violations of Mantis language syntax
Detection of any forbidden Mantis instructions (all instructions detected)
Technical debt for the rules
Fine-grained control of software evolution
Advanced queries: most complex entities in last development cycle, duplication introduced
Trends of metrics over several versions of a system
Executive Browser
Understanding characteristics of Mantis entities at the architectural level.
There are various views to show complexity of code, linkages to entities, dead code and other custom defined characteristics.